3140 South Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118(386) 767-8761 Contact Us
Daytona Beach's Original Drive-In Worship
Experience In A Unique Coastal Setting

Ways to Give & Serve

We believe that Stewardship (giving to God) includes all areas of our life.  We encourage each other to give of ourselves fully to God and to use all that God gives us in grateful and appropriate ways.  Giving to God allows us to grow in our faith and also develop a joy-filled relationship with God because giving is an act of worship, an expression of faith, and a discipline for spiritual growth.  Because of this belief, we have many opportunities for you to give and serve, both here in the congregation, but also out in our community:

  • Hope Place Feeding Team – we have a team of volunteers that prepare & package up a fresh community meal for about 200-300 people on the first Wednesday of each month. Email office@driveinchurch.net and Cindy will contact you with more information.

  • Communion & Bulletin Prep Team – meets every Thursday at 9am in Friendship Hall (Building E) to prepare communion for Sunday worship.  Come join in the fun!

  • Drive In Church Choir - meets for rehearsal on Tuesday evenings at 7pm, Altar Building (Building A) upper level. Sings and leads worship music at the 8:30 & 10am services on Sunday morning. Regular attendance at rehearsal is required to participate. Contact one of our Music Directors for more information - Paul Sowers glassmonkeyface@gmail.com or Karen Jones karenlj32@gmail.com.


  • Weed Warriors – do you love to garden – or rid the garden of weeds? We always have opportunities for this important work!  Come on over anytime!


  • Sunday School Teacher – we’re looking for loving adults who want to share Jesus’ love with children & youth on a rotational basis.  If you feel God calling you to this ministry, please call the office and ask for Melissa or email her at RevMelissa@driveinchurch.net.


  • Worship Leader – if you’d like to read the scripture and lead us in prayer during a Sunday service then click here to sign up for a date that is convenient for you!

  • Coffee Counter Greeter/Server – this is a wonderful opportunity to meet people in the church! You can sign up here for this important role.

If you’re interested in serving in any of these capacities, please make a note on your church life form and we will connect with you!

If you would like to mail in your tithe/offering to the church you can mail it to:

PO Box 7175 Daytona Beach, FL 32116-7175.